Wednesday, September 17, 2008

These Shoes Are Made For Walkin'

Madeline is officially a walker now. She hardly ever crawls anymore, which means time for shoes! Mama Kaye bought her the cutest little polka dot tennis shoes and I've been very impressed with how well Little Miss has been walking in them. (The photo is a bit blurry because it's an action shot.)

Eli also has a cute pair of shoes compliments of Mama Kaye. He's not quite walking yet, but he is standing up on his own with nothing to pull up on, and when he does it, he is VERY proud of himself. It's really cute. He'll stand up on command and beams with pride while doing it. I've tried to get him to walk to me, but he does more of a lunge than a step. We're working on it though and I think it's becoming painfully obvious to him now that his sister walks and he doesn't. Not long now!

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