Thursday, June 26, 2008

Twins Q&A

Pushing a double stroller attracts a lot of attention, and I can't seem to go anywhere with Madeline and Eli without all or some of the following question and answer session taking place...

Q: They look so close in age. How far apart are they?
A: One minute.

Q: Oh! Are they twins?
A: Yes. (Duh.)

Q: Oh, infertility? (With a pitying look.)
A: No, just the opposite actually!

Q: How cute! Two boys?
A: No, a boy and a girl. (I restrain myself from pointing out that Madeline has a big hot pink bow in her hair.)

Q: Are they identical?
A: No, it's a boy and a girl. (I restrain myself from the biology lesson that is in order.)

Q: What are their names?
A: Madeline and Eli.

Q: Oh, how cute. I love the name Eli. Who is older?
A: Madeline. (And, is Madeline not a good name, too?)

Q: By how much?
A: One minute. (I restrain myself from pointing out that I have already answered this question.)

Q: Oh, but he's bigger? I thought the boy was the oldest.
A: He's a boy. He's supposed to be bigger.

This is usually followed up by the questioners trying to get M&E to wave bye-bye to them, which my children do not do. Instead, they get a blank stare. Now, should I have the above Q&A made into some sort of pamphlet to hand out to everyone or would that be rude? Honestly, I don't mind this constant back and forth so much. When I have time for it, it's actually kind of amusing. And, I love the 80-year-old women who stop me in the grocery store to tell me about their boy-girl twins they had when they were 40, bless them. I'm glad God blessed us with our pair while we are still young and somewhat energetic!

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