We braved the cold today to take Madeline and Eli to their 18 month checkup. The thermometer in the car read 16 degrees on the way there. I know some of you farther north may think that's nothing, but this is Alabama, y'all, and that's COLD! Thankfully, M&E think wearing hats and mittens is really fun (see Eli's expression above).
We had another great checkup and were again reminded of how blessed we are to have such healthy twins. Little Madeline weighed in at 22 pounds and is 33 inches tall. Eli tipped the scales at 27 pounds, 4 ounces and was 33.25 inches tall. Both are just under average in weight and just above average in height - just how we like it! I was glad that despite the cold that they have, both were able to get their shots today... M&E were not so glad, but they got over it quickly.
We also seem to be hitting all of the developmental milestones - running, following directions (when they choose to), using 7-10 words (mommy, daddy, up, please, dog, truck, hi, bye, blanket *kind of*), etc. The word expectations were nice to know because I was thinking we didn't know enough yet, but it seems we're on track. We've been practicing using words over grunting a lot lately.
After being cooped up in the house all week with this darn cold, M&E really enjoyed getting out today - even if it was for shots!
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