Sunday, March 1, 2009

In Like a Lion

March blew in last night, bringing snow to Alabama. Unlike the flurries that usually define "snow" in Alabama, this is a real snow and I was glad to see that my little southern babies had no qualms about heading right out into it.

We wrapped up in a fleece blanket for a golf cart ride around the neighborhood. Along the way we provided a fun target for some kids' snowballs.

The wind has been fierce. Here is a tree down right around the corner from our house.

The snow is still coming down and we're all snuggled up by the fire for now!

1 comment:

Angela said...

I can't believe it!! I'm getting ready to leave the TN mountains for B'ham and looking forward to warmer weather and it snows there! Good grief! M & E are very cute in the snow, I can't believe how big they are. Enjoy your snow day!