Friday, June 5, 2009

A Week in the Life

The kiddos are in bed napping right now. Let's hope it's a long one because we got very little sleep last night. An impromptu trip to the pediatrician this morning revealed that Eli has a dreaded ear infection. My poor sweet hot feverish sick little boy is well drugged and snoring away in his bed now. Bless his heart!

Perhaps Eli will sleep better in the future in this. His big boy furniture has arrived!

Surely unrelated to this ear infection, my children are turning into little fish (or a fish and a mermaid in our case). We spend every possible sunny day at the pool and M&E are getting very comfortable with the water. Eli loves to jump off the side of the big pool completely under water and he comes up laughing every time. Despite multiple coats of SPF50, they are also developing some nice little tans. All this time at the pool has forced me to abandon my anti-Crocs stance. The concrete deck gets so hot that I end up carrying both children to the picnic area for lunch every day. While this is good for my biceps, it's getting a bit ridiculous. So, yesterday I decided to venture out in search of some Crocs. Did you know those things cost $35/pair?! I don't think so! I went to Walmart and got these faux Crocs on sale for $1/pair.

I'm always in search of kid-friendly recipes and decided to try out a chicken pot pie on my two the other day. It was super simple to make, delicious, chock-full of vegetables and the kiddos loved it. If you have any healthy meal ideas that you think toddlers would enjoy, please share!
Speaking of sharing, somebody was kind enough to share their Jumbo Rice Krispies with the baby. I found this while I was cleaning up. That's Eli's hand. Shortly after I snapped this picture, he fished that sucker out of her mouth and helped himself to it.

Also, going on in (or shall I say outside) our household... Brandon has been on the city to come clean up the storm water drainage ditch that runs along our property line. They are finally out here doing something. I really don't know how what they are doing will help, but M&E have enjoyed the real live tractor in our front yard the past few days.

That's all for now. Moving on to the mountain of laundry staring me in the face!

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