While M&E were in the tub tonight, Madeline examined a boo-boo on Eli's hand:
"It's okay, E-I. I'm a doctor."
Eli to Madeline and me throughout the day:
"Guys, where you going?"
"Guys, what you doing?"
Eli's name for Madeline, "Wuvy", is starting to fade away. Lately it has been replaced with "Maleline".
Both M&E when they want to take something in the car (a sweatshirt or hat or something):
"Mommy, I bring this jus' in case I need it."
Eli has been in the "Why? Why? Why?" phase for a while now. I answer as well as I can but sometimes I just don't have an answer so I'll say, "Eli, why do you think?" His standard answer for that lately:
"For alligators." (Don't ask me. I have no clue where that came from.)