Sunday, May 30, 2010

Introducing Mr. and Mrs. Whitt...

Last weekend, we traveled over to south Georgia for Julia and Matthew's wedding. The ceremony was beautiful (as was the bride), the party was a blast and we had a great time visiting with everyone. With Brandon's help, I juggled my responsibilities as both the Matron of Honor and the mother of the cutest Flower Girl and Ring Bearer in the history of marriage ceremonies. Madeline and Eli did a pretty good job, I must say. Eli refused to wear his boutonniere (He's a man's man.), but he and Madeline walked down the aisle with me and seated themselves beside Mama Kaye, where they sat happily through the ceremony munching on Junior Mints and coloring on the offering envelopes. The reception was a lot of fun. I danced the night away with M&E. At one point I asked Madeline if she needed to go potty and she answered, "No, Mommy. I dancin' now."

We're so happy for the new Mr. and Mrs. and are so excited to welcome Matthew to the family!

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