Wednesday, April 6, 2011

A Game of Paddleball

Eli was running a fever yesterday so he got to hang out with me while Madeline was at school. My to-do list included a trip to Walmart, where Eli spotted a $5 "tennis" set that he thought would be lots of fun. It was.

The suction cups proved to be a little frustrating, but Madeline soon found a way around that.

I heard her say, "No, Eli, it works better like this!". She then proceeded to throw the entire paddle (with ball attached). Hilarious. The game got a little more intense after that.

It was a beautiful afternoon, but the sun was a little bright. Thankfully, M&E remembered the stylin' sunglasses they scored at their school's Spring Fling last week.

1 comment:

Mama Kaye said...

Too cute!!