Saturday, December 31, 2011

Growing Up

I have been meaning to post on some updates for a while now, but life has been busy. These two big kids made some major changes several months ago and I feel the need to document them. In a single day, Eli gave up his blanket (that he had slept with since his first day home from the hospital), stopped sucking his thumb and took down his bedrail. About two days later, Madeline (not one to be outdone for long) also gave up her beloved blanket and had her bedrail removed. Then, as if my two precious oldest children had not given their poor mother enough to cry about, Eli decided to take up residence in the top bunk. My oh my. And those once sweet blankets that had become progressively more nasty with each passing year? I seized the moment when M&E decided to abandon them and tossed them in the trash bin.

This dear sweet baby is delicious. Seriously, irresistible. He's a little better with his napping but still not a great napper. He still gets up occasionally in the night, but the opportunity to nuzzle that sweet little fuzzy head in peace and quiet makes it so worth the interruption in my sleep. I feel like we may have a tooth any day now and he's starting to get quite good at sitting up, not on his own yet but soon. He has a healthy appetite and gobbles down his rice cereal, bananas, apples and sweet potatoes, and he's still great at nursing. He has been such an easy addition to our family and we all ADORE our sweet Ward.

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