Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Lunch Date

Today Madeline, Eli and I met Daddy at Jackson's in SOHO for lunch. Madeline was a little fussy as we were nearing naptime, so she spent the time in Daddy's lap. Apparently the squash and crackers she had for lunch didn't satisfy her, because she kept reaching for her Daddy's ham and cheese sandwich.

Eli was (as he almost always is) in a great mood and spent the time sitting in the stroller and laughing at me trying to eat his fingers. He's so sweet! You can also see why his new nickname is "Spikey". His hair stands on end and it is so cute that I dread it growing out and laying flat. We may have to introduce some hair product when that happens...

It's also worth noting that yes, Madeline and Eli go everywhere in their pajamas. It's just easier (and warmer) that way.

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