Thursday, February 21, 2008

Rainy Day

Last night, we were unable to see the lunar eclipse because of all the clouds over Birmingham. Those clouds brought rain all day today. While good for the drought, it caused us to have to stay home all day. Madeline and Eli got some good play time in though. They're getting really good at sitting up on their own. Here's a little glimpse...
Can you tell who's the boss??

Madeline and Eli also got to feed themselves a bit today. I think they did pretty well. Here are some pictures...

1 comment:

Andy, Carrie and Jacob said...

They are getting SO big! I have so much to look forward to with Jacob. I just ordered him a walker and a jumpy thing for the doorway, now that he's 4 monthes old.
Eli sure is patient with Madeline!