Saturday, March 8, 2008

Mommy's Vacation Day

We woke up to snow in Birmingham yet again this morning. We've had at least 4 good snows here this winter, which is just amazing. The two things I miss most from Virginia are the mountains and the snow, so one out of two's not bad. That being said, it is now March and time to trade the jackets in for flip flops - enough snow.

I read an article not too long ago that assigned a salary to all of the different tasks for which a stay-at-home mom is responsible. I think the number was somewhere around $138,000. Sounds about right to me. As far as I'm concerned I have the best job in the world. However, I work hard for every penny of my nonexistent salary and therefore, I am exhausted! So, today I took a day off. That's right, today Daddy was in charge...

After nursing the babies when they woke up at 6:00, I was able to go back to sleep until 9:00. It was fabulous! Then, I headed out to run some errands, co-hosted a baby shower for my friend Holly and did some shopping at Target, all sans-babies. At the end of the day, I was very happy to see Madeline and Eli, and Brandon was even happier to see me. It is nice to get out on my own every now and then and sweet of Brandon to give me a break.


Andy, Carrie and Jacob said...

Good for you for having a day to yourself! I can't believe how much Eli looks like you and Madaline looks like Brandon! How cute. Believe it or not we had flooding rain here in Virginia when you were having snow farther south.

Kelley Brown said...

Great pic of you!!

Remind Brandon that your "salary value" needs to be doubled since you run after two babies! :)