M&E are facing forward in the car now! Yay!! Much more comfortable!
We ended our Friday with dinner at California Pizza Kitchen, where Brandon and I had to laugh when two old ladies refused to sit near "the children" and made the hostess sit them elsewhere. Honestly, we get comments from our waitresses all the time about how well-behaved our children are at restaurants. For goodness sake, they're my children - give them some food and they'll be happy and quiet. This was M&E's second sour run-in with old ladies. When they were really young, mom and I had them out shopping and they were getting hungry and starting to fuss, so some cranky old lady told mom that "When they're crying like that, it's time for you to take them home!" Seriously, no need for the grouchiness, senior citizens! Just smile at the babies and enjoy your discounted movie tickets. Ugh!
Andy and I went Christmas shopping with Jake when he was about a month and a half old. He started crying as we were walking out of the store and some old ladies were loudly commenting on how I should not have a baby that little out at all. Thanks to post partum I told them that they needed to keep their comments to themselves. oops.
Banana, I miss you! Come back to Va sooooon! xoxo Mo
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