Last week was park week. Madeline, Eli and I went to Homewood Park 5 times (including two separate visits on Friday). You just can't beat this weather! As a result, M&E have gotten a little blonder and a little tanner. Madeline also has taken off. She's sitting above because she's eating her lunch. Right after that though, she was off and running. May I point out that Madeline has now been walking for over a month and Eli still is a crawler? However, he did take 4 steps this weekend. Come on, butter bean, up and at 'em!
Brandon and I took M&E to Toys 'R Us on Saturday and Madeline got her first baby doll and stroller. (Eli got a brachiosaurus.) Both M&E have taken tumbles trying to push the stroller because they think it's sturdier than it really is.
Yesterday, we took a trip out to Johnny and Susan's farm. M&E met the ducks and geese - lots of "Duck! Duck!" (At least that's what it sounded like so I'm sticking to it.) Johnny caught some fish for them too, but M&E weren't sure about the slimy feel of them. We had a great visit and a delicious meal with the B'ham Wards - a great way to wrap up the weekend!