Saturday, December 27, 2008

Granddaddy Tours Bham - Toddler Style

My dad came to visit a couple of weeks ago. A fun-filled, action-packed weekend was had by all. On Friday, Granddaddy, Madeline, Eli and I visited the McWane Science Center. I had been wanting to check this place out for a while now, and I'm really, really glad that I didn't try to do it alone. I would have lost a child! The place was packed and M&E had an absolute blast. They fell asleep in the car before we even made it out of the parking garage.

The water table was a huge hit. I might have to invest in one of our own.

The trains also were infatuating. (As was the button that started them.)

They also have a walk-on piano a la BIG...

And, the light peg board was another highlight (pardon the pun.)

So, if you're looking for a way to wear out your children in Birmingham, might I suggest the McWane Science Center?

1 comment:

Katy Agnew said...

I think I might have to bring my "big kid", aka Cliff, to the McWane Center soon. He would love it!! :) Hope y'all are doing well and had a Merry Christmas!