Monday, November 23, 2009

Mommy's mint m&m's

Besides the many other much more important things we think about this time of year (the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ), Christmas also means one of my favorite things: mint m&m's. I purchased the first bag of these coveted candies a few days ago. They are now gone. This is not surprising. The funny part is how they met their end...

I had the bag of m&m's downstairs next to the computer so I could munch away during my coupon gathering for Sunday's grocery trip. When I left for the store, I left the bag there without a thought. Later that day, I came downstairs to do some laundry and realized that I had let Eli down a bit earlier to play. He was very quiet. I came down the stairs to see my sweet boy, bag in hand. With a guilty look on his face, he tells me, "I tee-tee potty, Mommy", as he shoves my m&m's into his mouth. (M&m's are M&E's reward for using the potty.) He frantically extracts the last two candies from the bag and eats them as well before I can get to him, hands me the empty bag and says "All gone". Not a day goes by around here without a good laugh and gosh, is that boy cute! But, he owes me a bag of m&m's.

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