On Friday, we got out and went to lunch and shop at the Wharf. Lunch was good... until it was over. At the end, I realized that sweet Eli had had a blowout all over himself. I won't name any names as to who packed the diaper bag, but it didn't have any wipes in it. So, Eli got a bath in the bathroom sink in the restaurant (which thankfully was brand new and very clean - at least until we left it), was dried off with paper towels and his outfit was chucked in the trash. Thank goodness I had an extra onesie in the diaper bag so the poor child didn't have to go naked.
Saturday was beautiful so we all went out to the beach. I'm very distressed to report that I have a child who does not like the beach. Yes, Madeline hated the sand. I put her feet in it and she wailed. She's just going to have to get over that though because her Mommy loves the beach. Eli enjoyed hanging out under the umbrella and even got his feet dipped in the ocean (it was too cold for a good dunk). We swam in the indoor pool every day we were there, and each day M&E were getting more used to the water. I wish I had four arms to take them swimming every day!
All in all, we had a great visit with Ben, Lauren and Jackson, and are excited about the next beach trip!
It looks like Madeline was doing the "Anna". Like mother like daughter!
I was the same way as a baby, I hated the sand and would never move off the towel.
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