Thursday, May 1, 2008

Growing Up and Grocery Shopping

I have two new exciting (at least for me) tidbits to report...

1. As of a few days ago, Madeline and Eli are weaned. I am so grateful that they both took to nursing so easily and I wouldn't have traded the experience for anything. My little babies are growing up though and they prefer the likes of grape juice, mashed potatoes and yogurt to breast milk, as well they should.

2. I recently discovered that both Costco and Publix have shopping buggies that can accommodate two children. Hooray! Now I can actually go grocery shopping during the daytime. Real grocery shopping! Not just lugging out the stroller to go in and purchase the one bottle of juice that I can manage to handle while pushing the stroller at the same time. This may seem a bit silly to those of you with only one child or no children, but to me it is a life-altering discovery. Praise God for double buggies!

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