Monday, July 28, 2008

"Bad Dog!"

Our dog Ally has had a dramatic change in her quality of life over the past year. She was our baby before we had babies. She's not anymore. I am constantly frustrated with her hair that I am constantly sweeping and vacuuming up every day, so lately she's been spending a lot of time cooped up on our porch. Used to roaming the house, she doesn't take this very lightly and does a lot of whining out there. Madeline and Eli love to sit at the french doors and watch her. Recently I taught them to say "Bad Dog" when she whines. Eli really took to this and even has the hand motions down. He shakes his finger and says "Ba Da", sometimes pronounced "Da Da" - at everything now. We passed a big stuffed bear in a toy store at the mall the other day and it was "Ba Da".

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